Rooftop photovoltaic systems.

Why is PeakSun the right choice for you?
- You have a high energy demand and would like to generate your own energy. Without your own investment and without technical risk.
- You have an appropriate roof area from 500m² with sufficient static load capacity. For a system capacity from 100 kWp.
- You are connected to a power grid with sufficient capacity.
- Your annual electricity consumption is greater than 300,000 kWh.
Together with eww Anlagentechnik, we have set up the joint venture "PeakSun" for the development, construction and operation of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems in Austria. The business model is designed in such a way that customers do not have to make any initial investments and there is no technical risk.
Within the framework of a contracting agreement, the company constructs, finances and leases the PV system on the roof surfaces provided by the customers. The electricity generated can either be used by the customer him or herself or fed into the public grid.
With a high share of self-consumption, you will achieve significant cost saving compared to conventional electricity purchase. After 15 years, you can take over ownership of the system.

Expertise of two strong partners.
eww has many years of experience in the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of PV plants. Kommunalkredit has the corresponding structuring and financing expertise in sustainable infrastructure projects.
We welcome you to contact us!

What we offer.
- We analyse your electricity consumption in advance.
- We plan and dimension a high-value PV system on your roof according to your needs.
- We support you in regards to permits and subsidies.
- We install the system for you.
- We finance the entire system.
- We lease the plant to you for 15 years.
- We operate, maintain and insure the plant.
- We take care of the long-term performance.
- We can hand over the system to you at the end of the contracting agreement.
- You provide us with your roof area.
- You provide the necessary infrastructure for the technology.
More information on PeakSun and your future rooftop photovoltaic system!